Have you ever wondered how to protect yourself from the chemicals that are all around us? I mean most of us try to stay away from things we know are harmful but what about the chemicals in our food and water? The air? The personal care products and cleaners that we use? Harmful chemicals are all around us unfortunately. This makes it more important than ever to protect us and to learn how to detoxify ourselves. I would like to discuss a new area to improve our health monthly. This month I will discuss buying organic produce.
Buy Organic. Buying all organic fruits and vegetables can be pricey. If you are wondering which ones are most important to buy organic here is a list called the Dirty Dozen. Don’t let the Dirty Dozen list keep you from eating your favorite fruits and vegetables, instead buy the organic version of foods on the Dirty Dozen list. The Clean 15 list highlights the produce items that have the least number of pesticides. These lists are released by the Environmental Working Group (EWG). Every year they release a shopper’s guide that lets consumers know which produce is the safest for eating. This information can help you shop with more peace of mind and protect yourselves from pesticides. The EWG has an app that has information about how to find information about all kinds of healthy living tips. Here is a link to their webpage. /https://www.ewg.org/apps/